Our Impact

We believe we can build
a better community.
With nearly 50 different initiatives, our impact across Southwest Montana reaches far and wide. Take a look at our annual Impact Report to learn more about how our work is building a better community for everyone.

57,238 meals were provided to community members, ranging from kids and families to older adults

1,969 seniors received services to remain independent and safe in their community

39,762 food boxes were provided to individuals and families with a weeks worth of food supply

1,391 people received help with their energy bills

153,920 rides were provided by our fare-free and paratransit services

Positively impacting the lives of more than 12,000 people each year

611 folks completed Homebuyer Education

371 older adults received Medicare Counseling, saving $188,843 in health care costs

654 individuals benefitted from our financial services

100 housing units were preserved, and 58 homes were constructed, all for people who live and work here

168 children completed preschool and demonstrated skills for school readiness

240 parents attended parent education opportunities

Making a difference
Meet Ralph
Ralph, an 82-year-old veteran, found himself alone in his community after the loss of his brother, who he was the caretaker. No longer able to afford housing on his own, Ralph was connected to HRDC in Livingston through a community member.
Marissa first assisted Ralph by conducting the initial service navigation. Ralph and Marissa connected instantly, and Marissa reached out to her co-workers and other community partners to help Ralph get back on his feet.
Overwhelmed by the process, Ralph relied on Marissa and the community. With a group of HRDC staff and programs, alongside generous support from community partners, they all put the puzzle pieces together, helping Ralph rebuild his life after loss.
Meet Pedro
Dana Mitchell has been with HRDC for the last five years as a Senior Service Navigator. Her caring and selfless nature and vast knowledge make a lasting impression on those she serves.
Dana fondly remembers Pedro – a proud but gentle spirit – as the customer who impacted her the most. 70 year old Pedro moved to Bozeman from Judith Gap. His decision to move was based on access to services he might need as he got older. Pedro’s limited income was not enough and he found himself living in his truck. After a stay at our Warming Center, Pedro was connected with Dana. Thanks to community resources and navigation, Pedro found an affordable apartment to call home. Dana recalls Pedro calling her his mother, illuminating his belief that HRDC staff had become his family.
Dana’s role as a navigator – at its core – is being on the frontline, whether someone is in crisis and needs immediate assistance or they’re looking for other resources. Dana says, “There’s just something about being the first person someone talks to.”
Meet Paul
Born on July 16, 1926 in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Paul joined the United States Navy in 1942, just shy of his sixteenth birthday. With a brother already serving in the Navy and his parent’s permission, Paul soon found himself on an aircraft carrier fighting in World War II. Paul remained in the Navy until the war ended in 1945. Returning home to Boston, he got his high school diploma and worked many jobs, including selling peanuts at Fenway Park for his beloved Red Socks and serving in the Massachusetts National Guard.
In 1950, Paul enlisted in the Airforce where he remained until 1970. While in the Airforce, he served in both the Korean and Vietnam wars. In a foxhole outside a supply tent in Korea, Paul was shot in the head by a sniper. Following three months in a hospital he returned home with a Purple Heart. Paul would again be sent overseas for the Vietnam War.
Paul traveled all over the world and met many different people while serving his country. In 1971, Paul decided to live in Montana, working at Bozeman Deaconess for many years before retiring on a modest pension.
At 83, Paul was not in the best of health. His apartment and his collected treasures mean everything to him. Paul turned to HRDC for help. He received rental assistance from our Section 8 Rental Assistance Program, our Homemaker Program helped with shopping and cleaning, while our Gallatin Valley Food Bank delivered supplemental groceries to his door. Paul served his country and we are proud to be able to serve Paul.
Meet David
“Here comes trouble,” a familiar voice calls out. David walks into HRDC’s main office with a smile on his face. Leanne is at the front desk and is always happy to see David. They catch up on weather, football scores, and joke a bit. He needs a little help getting through some paperwork and Leanne is ready to assist.
David’s education ended before middle school. He was able to find ranch and construction jobs to make a living, traveling throughout Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. He ended up in Bozeman when an illness struck him in his early 40s. Eight painful surgeries and no cure left him unable to earn a living.
Frustrated, scared, and alone, he came to us at HRDC. David was in need of housing and assistance with filing for Social Security Disability. Our team assisted David with both. Over time his needs changed – our Galavan drives him to appointments, our Gallatin Valley Food Bank delivers senior groceries to his apartment, and our Section 8 Rental Assistance Program assists with his rent.
While the services we provide are crucial, many of our customers find friendships with our staff, which are just as helpful to them. One of David’s housing case managers has a photo at her desk of him wearing his beat-up cowboy hat. David has become a dear friend, his photo representing why we all love working at HRDC.
On a trip back from a recent doctor’s appointment, David told his Galavan driver, “Life may be hard sometimes, but it would be a lot harder if I didn’t have HRDC.”

HRDC is the vehicle and tool for social change.